In this page you will be finding some great, interesting, and surly pondering topics. That I had the pleasure to have with other great individuals all across the world. Not only will you be able to find our great conversations. But you will also be able to find out more about each great guest I got the pleasure to have on my show. Scroll down to start thinking with us.
Carolyn and I discuss her new book "Walking with Fay." It's a book about her and her mother's experience with Dementia. It's a great topic for ones who may be dealing with someone with this Brain disorder that people don't really talk about and/or understand. We got to share great stories about her experience as well as my own when I was a certified nursing assistant working with individuals with dementia.
Want to know more about Carolyn? Click below to get to her website.
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Emmanuel and I discuss how he assisted human beings globally to overcome mental disorders, common challenges, achieve their goals, expand human awareness, maximize human potential, gain clarity on their mission and lead highly inspiring lives within all areas of life.
Want to know more about Emmanuel? Click below to go directly to his website.
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Steve and I discuss his personal journey into discovering his own shadow self. As well as why he's passionate in helping others find their key to success. It was great to learn that triumphs can lead to great discovery's as he was able to find.
Want to know more about Steve? Click below to get to his website.
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Coach Lee and I discuss his journey in self discovery in being his most authentic self as a transman. Which helped him create healthy boundaries in finding himself and accepting who he wants around him. How the friendships he seek, accepted, and embraced has helped him grow and wants to share his perspective on this great topic.
Want to know more about Lee? Click below to get to his website.
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ReGina and I discuss the beauty of our singleness season. With so many people who are single and frustrated wishing they were in a relationship. This is for you it's time to embrace your singleness and truly enjoy yourself.
Want to know more about ReGina? Click below to get to her website.
Tune in below to listen to this great conversation.
Marie works in the field of grief, her movement is called "Loving Life after Loss." She teaches people how to work their mindset & various tools to allow LOVE, laughter & joy back in after adversity. Her triumph was more then overcoming her fathers death at a young age but also her husbands' sudden death. That led her to become a single mother of two wonderful boys. She truly became a better person by embracing life to the fullest.
Want to know more about Marie? Click below to get to her website.
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It's hard to imagine being able to tap into your own creativity when so much chaos is surrounding you. Thankfully, I had Eva come on my show to share her perspective on how she could do that.
Want to know more about Eva? Click below to get to her website.
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Let's Think About "Finding Your Tribe"
Thinking about awakening your dreams sounds exciting, but not knowing where or how to begin can also be unnerving. Thankfully, JJ returned to my show to share how she awakened her dreams and helped others do the same. Always a good time to speak with JJ. She truly knows how to keep us thinking!
Want to know more about JJ? Click below to get to her website.
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Let's Think About "Roadmap To Emotional Healing"
To keep the thoughts flowing.
Life is constantly shifting, and we must stand firm. However, at times, we may slip or fall. What matters is adjusting ourselves while life makes significant shifts. Having Teresa on my show gives us a sneak peek into her thoughts on her new book, which helps others adjust while life shifts us around. It was indeed a great conversation that kept us thinking.
Want to know more about her? Click below to get to her website.
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Let's Think About "Human Experience."
The human experience is one we are always missing out on. It's unbelievable to think about human beings living and breathing yet not fully experiencing our today, our moment, our lives. It gives you a lot to think about. So, please tune in and think along.
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Let's Think About "A 360 Perspective."
In this episode, I explore how important it is to maintain a 360-degree perspective in life. Amir was so kind as to share his viewpoint while providing great points on how to allow ourselves to adjust, shift, or pivot our perspective. This is something for us all to continue thinking about.
Tune in below to listen to this great conversation.
Let's Think About "Alternate Therapies for PTSD."
On today's episode, we get the pleasure of having Trudie on my podcast show to share her thoughts on alternative therapies to manage PTSD. She also discusses some traditional routes she's tried to manage her PTSD. She is sharing her honest opinion on what she thinks when she hears the words PTSD. She even shared her experience with her day hiking trip. You'll want to tune in because she gives us many great points to reflect on.
Want to know more about her? Click below to get to her website.
Tune in below to listen to this great conversation.
Let's Think About "An Old Soul In This Lifetime."
Many people in this lifetime are old souls who are trying to conform to the now. Chris and I discuss how it's time to embrace being an old soul, providing many great points to keep you thinking. For example, she knows she is an old soul and struggles with finally accepting herself as her authentic self.
Want to know more about her? Click below to get to her website!
Tune in below to watch this great conversation.
Let's Think About "How You're Never Too Old To Learn Something New."
Bill comes onto my show to share his perspective on this intriguing topic: how you're never too old to learn something new. Bill shares his triumphs and accomplishments, which he didn't even think were possible until he stepped into the impossible. Please tune in, and let's think about this exciting topic.
A point to ponder on... How can I step into my impossible and make it possible?
Want to know more about him? Click below to get to the website!
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Let's Think About "Disability."
Timothy has faced many adversities because of his disability, but that has not let him be defined by it. He gives us a perspective about the humans hidden behind their disabilities. He shares his thoughts on disabilities, pet peeves, and the fact that he started a podcast show with his best friend, who doesn't see eye to eye on everything.
Tune in below to watch this great conversation.
Let's Think About "Overcoming Adversities."
Overcoming adversities is not always easy. However, with the right perspective shift, you can switch your thinking from lack to opportunities. Ethan shares his story of his adversities, which motivated him to write his book to help encourage the next generation to learn to overcome their adversities.
Want to know more about him? Click below to get to the website!
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Let's Think About "Momsday Moments."
As mothers, there are always moments in our lives that we cannot prepare for and, unfortunately, must embrace. However, Keri helps us realize there is a way to prepare for the unexpected. With this proof, Keri comes onto my show to share her story on how to prepare for or embrace these unexpected moments. With such an incredible story to share, I hope someone out there can find hope in their situation.
It's a conversation that will leave you pondering.
Want to know more about her? Click below to get to the website!
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Let's Think About "Sitting & Thinking."
Tom shares his story of how he learned how to switch his perspective most unexpectedly. Sitting next to his wife as she slowly dies beside him, all he can do at that moment is think. He shares the types of thoughts that went through his mind at the moment to evolve into the perspective he wishes to share with us all. This conversation is a journey towards enlightenment and inspiration.
Want to know more about him? Click below to get to the website!
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Let's Think About "Setbacks As A Setup."
Guy's story is a testament to the transformative power of setbacks. He shares his journey of overcoming a major setback, a wrongful imprisonment he never committed. Instead of letting it define him, he used it to help many men's perspectives of imprisonment evolve. Upon his release, he chose to teach himself and other men how to adjust to life after prison. His story is a beacon of hope, showing us that setbacks can be a setup for a brighter future.
Want to know more about him? Click below to get to the website!
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Let's Think About "Chasing The American Dream."
Serban shares his thoughts on how he chased the American dream. He hoped to gain the joy and happiness that appeared in the news and media, but once he got to America and obtained the "American Dream," he still felt unfulfilled. Realizing the American dream is just a metaphor that gets lost in translation. Ultimately, we are all trying to find belonging and security with a sense of peace and joy. With this all in mind, I hope you tune in to get the wheels rolling and the thoughts flowing.
Want to know more about him? Click below to get to the website!
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Let's Think About "Normalizing Failures & Setbacks."
Alice shares her thoughts on normalizing failures and setbacks and discusses how she did precisely that. We also discuss her thoughts on failures and finding yourself while learning more about Alice. This episode aims to make you think and encourage everyone to embrace the trials that come your way.
Want to know more about her? Click below to get to the website!
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Mitzi Let's Think
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