In this page you will be finding some great, interesting, and surly pondering topics. That I had the pleasure to have with other great individuals all across the world. Not only will you be able to find our great conversations. But you will also be able to find out more about each great guest I got the pleasure to have on my show. Scroll down to start thinking with us.
Dr. Angela and I discuss how taking our mind power back in our control is important. How she coaches inspirational individuals to escape human suffering and live in true fulfillment once and for all by taking the power of the Unconscious Mind into control.
Tune in below to listen to this great conversation.
Bri and I discuss limiting beliefs and how important it is to break those beliefs. Limitations is such an important topic to think about when it comes to self growth. She shares her personal epiphany that made her come across this realization not only for herself. But to also help others whom maybe struggling with this as well.
Want to know more about Bri? Click below to get redirected to her website.
Tune in below to listen to this great conversation.
Ann and I discuss her journey into self healing. One day she had an epiphany and she knew she couldn't allow her struggles to stop her from continuing on living. With time she was able to shift her skull bones to achieve healing on a whole other level. It is an amazing testimony to hear. So don't take my word for it tune in to hear for yourself.
Want to know more about Ann? Click below to get redirected to her website.
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David and I discuss his personal epiphany. Realizing the importance of having personal motivation. Sharing why he's passionate about teaching others to find there own personal motivation.
Want to know more about David? Click below to get redirected to his website.
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Dr. Katie and I discuss her desire to help people let go of their "waffles". What are waffles you may ask? Well I can tell you for sure it's not the yummy food you can get for breakfast. Waffles = Worries, Anxiety, Fear, Frustration, Lethargy, Exhaustion, and Stress. Also discussing her epiphany in the power of tapping. She was even able to have a quick tapping session with me on the spot. This episode is a must tune in to get the full experience.
Want to know more about Dr. Katie Nall? Click below to get redirected to her website.
Tune in below to listen to this great conversation.
Scott and I discuss his passion in letting people know they are not alone. How his personal journey through life inspired him to start "Time to shine today" podcast. He shares his epiphany moment with me and the rest of the world that made him realize we are never truly alone. He is such a great guy I even got the pleasure to be on his personal podcast as well.
Want to know more about Scott? Click below to get redirected to his website.
Tune in below to listen to this great conversation.
The power of love is hard to believe when all you have encountered is hardship, and your heart feels sore from finding love in one's life. However, this is genuinely far from the truth. I have a special guest on my show to share the story of his parents, who held on to love even when they were separated and their lives were on the line to death. Yet, love indeed prospers.
Want to know more about Michael? Click below to get redirected to his website.
Tune in below to listen to this great conversation.
Preserving someone's legacy is more than buying and donating a bench to a local park. It's more than just leaving a ton of money to your children, that may or may not use it smartly. Luckily for me, James shares how he created a website that can truly leave you feeling as if your life mattered. And isn't that the point of feeling you left a lasting impact on the world?
Want to know more about James? Click below to get redirected to his website.
Tune in below to listen to this great conversation.
What is Ayahuasca? Depending on who you ask, the answer will be the same yet different. It's an experience that needs to be experienced if you think it's the right step for you. Everyone is different, but thankfully, I have a Jay on my show to share his experience and journey that has revolutionized his life.
Want to know more about Jay? Click below to get redirected to his website.
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Let's Think About "Human Experience"
Have you ever thought of doing an audacious challenge after a life-traumatizing event? Usually, the answer is no, and the preference to stay home in fear and depression is the standard action for most who go through a life-changing event.
Luckily, I have had the pleasure of having Aaron on my show. To share his journey that led him to a challenge when the world was shutting down. He decided to keep pursuing it forward. Indeed, it is an inspiring story to share with the rest of the world.
Want to know more about Aaron? Click below to get redirected to get your autographed copy of his book.
Tune in below to listen to this great conversation.
Thinking of your innocence may be painful. And it may contribute to your outlook on life and people. Thankfully, Walker was on my show to share her thoughts on this beautiful topic we could all benefit from thinking about.
Want to know more about her? Click below to get redirected to the website.
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People always talk about manifesting what you want and desire most. Yet, not many people truly understand the actual benefits of doing this. Michelle was so lovely to come on my show to share her perspective on this topic that many of us, including myself, need to start practicing to make our lives change before our very eyes.
Want to know more about her? Click below to get redirected to the website.
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Let's Think About "Manifesting Love"
Once we start talking with others, we realize our views on society are very different. So, the norms of societies are also going to be very different. Kristin was so kind to come on my show to share her thoughts, from switching over from a CEO to traveling worldwide to help others wake up and get out of the rat race that society has conditioned us to set our eyes on as the ultimate goal.
Want to know more about her? Click below to get redirected to the website.
Tune in below to listen to this great conversation.
Let's Think About "The Power Of Presence & Rituals." The conversation gets much more profound than people can fathom because we need to look past the surface and deeper within to realize the power of being present in our moment. We need to recognize that our daily routines can become rituals. They can become so automatic that we don't even consider why we are operating as we are. So why not tune in and think about it?
Want to know more about her? Click below to get redirected to the website.
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Let's Think About "Rejecting Labels."
Rejecting the labels that have been given to us and even the ones we claim for ourselves can feel crippling at times. What would happen if we rejected the labels that are not for us? Would you feel free or more empowered? Possibly, tune in and think along to find out what speaks to you.
Want to know more about her? Click below to get redirected to the website.
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Let's Think About "Radical Self-Care"
What lengths are you willing to go to for your well-being? For your sanity? Lauri comes onto my show to tell her reason for sharing her experiences and helping others see self-care as possible within themselves. Self-care is more than Sunday face masks. So, let's tune in and think about it.
Want to know more about her? Click below to get redirected to the website.
Tune in below to listen to this great conversation.
Let's Think About "The Tools of Human Design & Gene Keys."
Knowing your reason for operating the way you do is interesting. Not only do you learn something about yourself, but you also acknowledge that nothing is truly wrong with you. Sometimes, we go on to live life wondering why we act, talk, or think a certain way. In this episode, Diamond shares how understanding our human design and the keys within our genes can direct us in the direction our life was intended to be.
Want to know more about her? Click below to get redirected to the website.
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Let's Think About "Imposter Syndrome."
Let's Think About From Couch Potato to Manifester.
John comes onto my show to share his epiphany, which improved his life. His perspective shifted, and his entire outlook on life changed. You will not want to miss this episode, especially if you seek inspiration.
Tune in below to listen to this great conversation.
Let's Think About "Reinventing Yourself After Hitting Rock Bottom."
Myron comes onto my show to share his thoughts with us all. He reflects on how long it took him to reinvent himself while discovering how obvious it should've been; however, he recognizes how sometimes the obvious isn't always obvious. He shares a peek into his mind on operating through our world. You will want to listen to the end to think about this matter.
Want to know more about him? Click below to get to the website!
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Let's Think About "Starting Over."
When life closes doors, or a chapter in your life is over, it's time to start over. Sean knows how it feels to start over and shares his discoveries with the world. Hopefully, sharing a part of him provides hope to someone else who may have to start over and is unsure where or what to start.
Want to know more about him? Click below to get to the website!
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Let's Think About "Life Balance."
Rhonda joins us to share her perspective on life balance, a topic she's found crucial in her own life. Helping us all understand ways to develop balance within. Her insights will inspire you to find balance with life, pulling us in all directions. This conversation is a journey towards enlightenment and inspiration.
Want to know more about her? Click below to get to the website!
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Let's Think About "Validating Ourselves."
Kim shares her transformative journey of self-validation, from seeking it from others to finding it within herself. Her perspective on validation is a beacon of hope for many on the path of self-discovery. This conversation will inspire you to consider the areas in your life that may need your validation.
Want to know more about her? Click below to get to the website!
Tune in below to watch this great conversation.
Let's Think About "Purposeful Retirement."
Milan Schwarzkopf, a renowned retirement coach and author, shares his transformative journey of realizing the need for a purposeful retirement. His story, now immortalized in a book, serves as a beacon of inspiration for those preparing for retirement and those already retired but still seeking purpose. His insights will surely reshape our perspectives on retirement.
Want to know more about him? Click below to get to the website!
Tune in below to watch this great conversation.
Mitzi Let's Think
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