In this page you will be finding some great, interesting, and surly pondering topics. That I had the pleasure to have with other great individuals all across the world. Not only will you be able to find our great conversations. But you will also be able to find out more about each great guest I got the pleasure to have on my show. Scroll down to start thinking with us.
She was once an atheist and now a true believer. Tune in as we cover how she found her way to her spiritual awakening. Writing a best selling book to help others in their own journey recognizing the signs through faith and science. We get to break down what spirituality means as well discussing orbs and so much more.
Want to know more about Marni? Click below to get to her website.
Tune in below to watch this great conversation.
Joe and I discuss his journey in realizing he needed to improve his relationship with God. That he started his own podcast called "father and Joe"
Want to know more about Joe? Click below to go directly to his site to find out more.
Tune in below to watch this great conversation.
Erik and I discuss his battle between living for himself and the world. Versus deciding to fully giving himself up to Christ. I know this conversation will truly get the wheels rolling if they aren't already making you think about it.
Want to know more about Erik? Click below to get redirected to his website.
Tune in below to watch this great conversation.
Debby and I discuss how she had to learn to trust what God put in her heart. As well as her journey into becoming a "Dream Manager Coach." Interesting topics to keep us thinking.
Want to know more about Debby? Click below to get redirected to her website.
Tune in below to watch this great conversation.
Georgann and I discuss in her perspective the difference between church and spirituality. A lot of people have a misunderstanding of the two. Which is why I think it's an important topic for myself and anyone else to really think about.
Want to know more about Georgann? Click below to get redirected to her website.
Tune in below to watch this great conversation.
Excelling in your truth could be difficult if you don't even know your truth. Luckily, I have a special guest on my show willing to share his story. To hopefully help others to excel in their own truth.
Want to know more about Danny? Click below to get redirected to his website.
Tune in below to watch this great conversation.
Knowing when God is speaking to us is hard to tell sometimes. But to be able to talk about this with others truly made you wonder. How many times did God actually try to speak to me, but I didn't want to listen because of the vessel it was coming to us? Indeed, it is something to think about. Thankfully, I had Norm on the show to share his perspective and personal story on this significant topic.
Want to know more about Norm? Click below to get redirected to his website.
Tune in below to watch this great conversation.
Let's Think About "A Blissful Marriage."
What could be the keys to a blissful marriage? Well, thankfully, I had Pastor Jeff on my show, and we had the pleasure of discussing this significant topic and sharing stories of our faith and our overall love for our Lord.
Let's Think About "How The Devil Ain't The Only Liar!"
We discuss his book "How the Devil Isn't the Only Liar." Pastor Jeff breaks down many misconceptions, such as holidays, baptism, and being saved repeatedly. He also makes many other great points that will keep you thinking and hopefully provide peace, as it did me.
Request for a free copy below.
Tune in below to watch this great conversation.
There can only be a purpose to our pain, depending on our perspective on life and if we have a relationship with a higher power. Some days are more complex than ever, but God's grace makes our triumphs manageable. With Karis on my show, we discuss this and much more precisely. It was a great time to have her on my show.
Want to know more about her? Click below to get redirected to her website.
Tune in below to watch this great conversation.
Let's Think About "Chaos."
Every human living and breathing on this earth is bound to face Chaos. Despite wanting an easy ride through life, it is unfortunately not made that way. So why not think about the Chaos we face and how we handle it with Noah? He shares details of his latest book, which is precisely about Chaos. Please tune in for this episode; it will make us all keep thinking.
Want to know more about him? Click below to get redirected to his website.
Tune in below to watch this great conversation.
Let's Think About "God-Given Purpose and Destiny."
JR comes onto the show to remind us that we have a God-given purpose and destiny. He shares ways to tap into the understanding that may seek to determine where to begin the journey to your destiny. He also shares his story and understanding of how he knew he needed to share this with others who may be just like him—just trying to figure this world out. It's a conversation that will leave you pondering.
Want to know more about him? Click below to get redirected to his website.
Tune in below to watch this great conversation.
Let's Think About "Grace For Ourselves."
Alenka shares her perspective on how she had to learn to develop grace for herself. She realized it was so easy to have grace for others but not for herself. I believe many of us can relate to Alenka regarding this topic. She shares great tips we can implement and so much more. This conversation is a great way to consider how to develop grace in your life.
Want to know more about her? Click below to get to the website!
Tune in below to watch this great conversation.
Mitzi Let's Think
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