In this page you will be finding some great, interesting, and surly pondering topics. That I had the pleasure to have with other great individuals all across the world. Not only will you be able to find our great conversations. But you will also be able to find out more about each great guest I got the pleasure to have on my show. Scroll down to start thinking with us.
Trent shares his great knowledge on the topic from the history of violence to the overall main concern in today's age "fear of death!" This is truly a controversial conversation that will make you think about violence a bit differently.
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Let's Think About Aggression and Power
J and I think about hypnosis and the positive effects it can have on us and the negative effects it can have too. It's interesting to think that someone can tap into someone else's subconscious to expose parts of one self that we really don't tap into. J truly shares his great knowledge with us. Tune in to hear it for yourself.
Want to know more about J. Robert? Click below to get redirected to his website.
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Liam provides his back story that leads to his discovery that he has been so nice to share with us all. Discussing the four parts of the brain and its functions to help yourself become better and ultimately feel better.
Want to know more about Liam? Click below to get redirected to his website.
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Brenden and I discuss the steps to handle public speaking. How this topic is not really thought about and if it is people will usually suggest to just "take a deep breath." When in reality there is so much more then just breathing when it comes to speaking. Luckily for me my buddy Branden was able to give me some great tips. He is such a great human being, sharing his knowledge on such a difficult task for most people.
Want to know more about Brenden? Click below to get redirected to his website.
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Alia and I discuss her passion about nutrition. How she got into this field and what motivates her to keep going. She not only helped myself but she could possibly help anyone else that are trying to gain a better perspective on this topic.
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Amy and I discuss her book “The Hustle Free Business,” helping purpose-driven, conscious companies and founders scale without sacrifice, so they can grow their impact and revenue without giving up their non-negotiable free-time. Amy truly teaches me you can do it all without sacrificing anything when your morals are in the right place.
Want to know more about Amy? Click below to get redirected to his website.
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Dreams aren't a topic that is discussed in public. We usually keep them to ourselves. I was thinking about the mystery that comes along with them. Thankfully, I have a special guest on today's show to help us think about dreams differently.
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Let's Think About "Dream Empowerment"
What comes to mind when you think of the Vietnam War? Usually, for me, it's all of the movies that depict what has had to happen. It makes you wonder how much truth lies behind the film.
Luckily, I have a special guest on today's show who has experienced the Vietnam War firsthand. Providing me with his personal experience and point of view on the war makes you think of our Vietnam Vets differently.
Want to know more about Robin? Click below to get redirected to his website.
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Our perception of meditation may be limited by how they portray meditation in the media. Luckily, I have an exceptional guest on the show to help break it down so we can all flip the script on how we see meditation.
Want to know more about Scott? Click below to get redirected to his website.
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When trying to tame overwhelming anxiety, it's hard to find the light in the chaos you feel surrounded by. Luckily my special guest was able to find a way out of that fog of anxiety that seems crippling at times. Liv shares her discovery in the Wom Hof Method and gives her opinion of the pros and cons of this method.
Want to know more about Liv? Click below to get redirected to her website.
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Thinking about cybersecurity, we have to realize it has a much larger rabbit hole than what we think of. Cybersecurity is far more in-depth than verifying we are not robots. Thankfully, I had Robert on my show to share his perspective on this very interesting topic.
Want to know more about Robert? Click below to get redirected to his website.
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Kevin shares not only how he ventured into this form of meditation. But he also shares his remarkable perspective on moving forward when you finally receive that wake-up call. Tune into this exciting topic.
Want to know more about Kevin? Click below to get redirected to his website.
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It happens to the best of us when we least expect it or are incredibly nervous. But how do we stop the rambling from continuing? Well, let's think about it a little more with Karen, who gives us some great tips.
Want to know more about Karen? Click below to get redirected to her website.
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Marketing or not marketing? That's the question every entrepreneur must ask when trying to figure out if they can afford this for their business. It's a great topic to think about. I enjoyed having Marin Davis on my show to share her perspective on this exciting topic.
Want to know more about Marin? Click below to get redirected to her website.
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Nobody talks about how we can have relationships outside family, spouse/significant other, or even friendships. Alexandria speaks on our relationships with humans, animals, and even objects. These are things that people genuinely don't ever think about. I think it's important to understand the primary relationship we need to focus on is the relationship within ourselves.
Want to know more about Alexandria? Click below to get redirected to her website.
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Trying to recognize the patterns in ourselves can seem to be challenging at times. Since we are unconsciously reacting, it's hard to consciously be aware of what is happening. Thankfully, Hannah came on my show to share this important topic so that others may realize that maybe it's time to reach out for some assistance.
Want to know more about Hannah? Click below to get redirected to her website.
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People hear the word yoga all the time. But not many know the benefits and the life-changing effect it can have in one's life. Thankfully, Misty came on my show to share her journey into yoga. Sharing the types of yoga, there are thoughts on yoga pants, and so much more other great information to keep us all thinking.
Want to know more about Misty? Click below to get redirected to her website.
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Let's Think About "Raising Resilient Kids."
I assume every parent wants to know that their child/children are resilient in everything they put their minds to. But how do you raise resilient kids? Thankfully, Jeff came to my show to share his thoughts on his book, "How to Raise Resilient Kids." I got to pick his brain and his thoughts on this matter. And I am so glad I did because I think we cracked the code for raising resilient kids. Please tune into today's episode. It could shift your perspective on this exciting topic.
Want to know more about Jeff? Click below to get redirected to his website.
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I enjoyed having Walter on my show to share his thoughts on his book. "The Reality, Mythology, and Fantasies of Unicorns." He shares his perspective on his findings and his reason for diving into this project. I had a great time getting lost in unicorns, but we also discussed the beauty of writing and returning to that childlike wonder we all need. So please tune in. I am sure it will keep you thinking.
Want to know more about him? Click below to get redirected to his website.
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Let's Think About Potential.
I had a great time speaking with Sara about adulting successfully. Now, we are diving deeper and reflecting on potential. What does it mean to us? to you? and in general? Well, we will dive into this topic in more detail. So please tune in so that we may think about this some more.
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Let's Think About Adulting Successfully.
Let's Think About Starting a Business.
Let's Think About Money Magic
Lynita was kind enough to share her time and great perspective about starting a business and money. We get real in our conversation, discussing frame of mind, accountability, and many other great points to keep us thinking. Suppose you're starting your business or looking for a way to manage your finances. Please tune into this episode to get some perspective and remind yourself that you got this!
Want to know more about her? Click below to get redirected to her website.
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Let's Think About "Emotional Intelligence."
Emotional Intelligence is a type of Intelligence that gets overlooked. However, with time and people's evolution, we have realized that understanding Emotional Intelligence can help you understand the world around you. So please tune into today's episode, and let's get our thinking on.
Want to know more about her? Click below to get redirected to her website.
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Let's Think About "Spiritual Intelligence."
Some people enjoy instinctively connecting with themselves spiritually. However, many people need to develop this skill of spiritual intelligence. Dawson shares his spiritual research, revealing the significant impact of spiritual intelligence and how it can improve our whole lives by simply starting to focus on within.
Want to know more about him? Click below to get redirected to his website.
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Let's Think About "Business Networking."
Business networking may seem intimidating, but when you listen to Michael, you will see networking events from a different perspective. Hopefully, this conversation will encourage you to network outside your comfort zone to expand your business. He shares excellent tips on why this is so hard for people to grasp.
Want to know more about him? Click below to get redirected to his website.
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Let's Think About "Goal Achievement."
So many of us have goals, ambitions, or dreams that we hope come true one day. However, have we ever thought about how to achieve those goals? Mike does precisely that and so much more in this engaging episode. Sharing his perspective on how to make your goals achievable. This conversation will encourage you to finish the goals you started and inspire you to keep dreaming because you can do so much once you put your mind to it. So please tune in and think along.
Want to know more about him? Click below to get redirected to his website.
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Let's Think About "FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder)."
Patti came on to my show to share her perspective with me in such a way that I kept thinking about this topic after the recording ended. How could we not consider how many women drank alcohol during their pregnancy in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s and even to this day? We reflect on how the healthcare system has changed and how many people we know who may fall on this spectrum. Please tune in for this episode; it will make us all keep thinking.
Want to know more about her? Click below to get redirected to the website.
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Let's Think About "The Myths & Future of Leading."
Jessper shares his thoughts on the myths and future of leadership and how we need to realize there is a leader within us all. We discussed how he first came to this discovery and how he helps others achieve leadership within themselves. This episode aims to make you think and encourage everyone to become a leader.
Want to know more about him? Click below to get redirected to the website.
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Let's Think About "Mental Health Misconceptions."
Leah shares her thoughts on mental health and how it impacts our lives and everyone we interact with. We discussed her thoughts on therapy and venting while learning more about Leah. This episode aims to make you think and encourage everyone to embrace their mental health as they would their physical health.
Want to know more about her? Click below to get redirected to the Facebook page.
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Mitzi Let's Think
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