In this page you will be finding some great, interesting, and surly pondering topics. That I had the pleasure to have with other great individuals all across the world. Not only will you be able to find our great conversations. But you will also be able to find out more about each great guest I got the pleasure to have on my show. Scroll down to start thinking with us.
It's a topic that covers the stigma of money. Tune in as we explore the taboo conversating about money. While learning the deeper battle we face internally with our relationship with money.
Want to know more about Richard? Click below to get to Richard's website.
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It's a topic that covers the stigma of boys and men needing to act more "masculine". Tune in as we explore the taboo conversating about embracing your own sensitivity.
Want to know more about William? Click below to get to William's website.
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Let's Think About "Paranormal Experiences."
I have the pleasure of having Margaret on my show to share her thoughts on the paranormal and how her experiences drove her to write novels. She also shares her input as a mother and how she keeps herself from feeling disconnected. She honestly shares a great insight into this topic.
Want to know more about her? Click below to get to her website.
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Michelle and I have a great conversation discussing her back story and why we are hungry as well as having a mindful eating habits. Let's be honest we may know someone who has a bad relationship with food. Or you may be the one with a bad relationship with food. This is something that we should really think about since our thoughts towards anything can really determine our relationship with it.
Want to know more about Michelle? Click below to get to Michelle's website.
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Yvonne and I discuss her book "The invisible girl." And what inspired her to write this and how she's trying to help others overcome and deal with there trauma. Along with how people should pay attention to the signs of incest happening in ones own family. Bringing this taboo to light so that others may know that they are not alone in this.
Want to know more about Yvonne? Click below to get to Yvonne's website.
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With Lois's 50+ years in the industry and my own 10+ years in the health field. We have experienced first hand this issue and now inviting you all to listen in so that we all can think about it together.
Want to know more about Lois? Click below to get to Lois's website.
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Want to hear Lois's thoughts on "The Shame-Guilt Leech" Click Below to listen now
Being a single mother isn't easy. And let's be honest: if you do anything as a single mother, the judgment begins, and the taboos pile on. Thankfully, Jualisa is on my show, sharing her perspective of being a single mother. I hope to shine a light on the stigma and empower other women who may be going through this stage in their lives now.
Want to know more about Jalisa? Click below to get to her website.
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Getting your period as a female is just unavoidable. We still feel taboo about not discussing this topic with anyone. Why is that? Possibly because we all don't know what is happening within us while we are bleeding out. We feel like we are dying as the days seem longer and the pain grows more robust. Our understanding is wrong, so I enjoy having Heather share her thoughts on this taboo. To spread some light into this darkness we know is coming for us one way or another.
Want to know more about Heather? Click below to get to her website.
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Have you ever wondered how someone can be wrapped in a cult without realizing it? Well, that is precisely how it was for my special guest, Peter. He shares his story, journey, and overall perspective of how he got wrapped up and was able to leave with his faith still intact.
Want to know more about Peter? Click below to get to his website.
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When people think of a divorce, the first thought isn't, "I'm hoping for a good divorce!" Usually, hate, confusion, and a lot of anger get thrown into the mix, leading to what many people have as "bad" divorces. So, to think about a good divorce can be puzzling. But it is something to think about because it is possible.
Thankfully, Sarah shares how she determined she would make her divorce good. Tune into today's episode to honestly think about this together.
Want to know more about Sarah? Click below to get to her website.
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When you're in the deepest parts of addiction, it is hard to see any hope of relief from this habit that has now taken over one's life. Yet, there is something better for you if you genuinely want to change. Baby steps make a difference in one's life when trying to change one's life around. And luckily for me, I had Mary Beth on my show to share her success from junkie to judge.
Want to know more about Mary Beth? Click below to get to her website.
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Today, we have the pleasure of having Kathy Wagner on my show to discuss her thoughts on “Addiction in the Family.” She shares some struggles she has seen in her own family and provides a perspective to parents who this taboo may pressure. This episode is another great one that keeps us all thinking.
Want to know more about her? Click below to get to her website.
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Going through puberty was already difficult for most women. Trying to manage your period is another chapter that can sometimes be a struggle. So, to think about menopause becomes a dreaded concept for many women. But we no longer have to hold this perception. Thank you, Tracy, for joining today's show to highlight this topic. Hoping to help women worldwide know it's okay and we can get through this together.
Want to know more about TRACEY?
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To discuss with your partner or with anyone about not wanting to have sex is a topic people avoid entirely. Why? I'm curious to know why that is the case. Oh wait, it's a taboo. So, thankfully, I have the pleasure of having Courtney on the show so that we may not only think but honestly discuss this critical topic.
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Scars are left when trust is broken, but when faith has been corrupted, it leaves a deeper wound. Thinking about Toxic Religion with Bre was a pleasure, as corruption in the church is real. However, trying to heal yourself after removing yourself from the toxicity is a long journey no one should walk alone.
Want to know more about Bre?
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Tune in below to watch this great conversation.
Our Mortality is a thought we love to avoid. Thinking about death is such a taboo. Yet, it is still a needed topic to think about. Thankfully, Julie came to my show to share her perspective on this intriguing topic.
Want to know more about Julie?
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A topic that literally nobody speaks openly enough about. Having a child who is incarcerated. This is a taboo because of the shame and guilt others have put on the parents for the acts of their children. Yet Lorri came on my show to shine some light on this topic, giving other parents hope that they are not alone.
Want to know more about Lorri?
Click below to get to her website.
Tune in below to watch this great conversation.
Sometimes, we don't realize that we have a terrible relationship with food that turns into an eating disorder. Having Heather on my show to discuss this is a great way to highlight this taboo topic. Nobody likes to admit they have an unhealthy relationship with food. Tune into today's episode to think about this together.
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Let's Think About "Somatic."
Many people have a misconception when it comes to sex and therapy. So, to add them both together comes to a big taboo. We also dove deeper into sex therapy's most significant concerns. Where did my mojo go to the bedroom? From having a high sex drive to no longer wanting sex at all. This is a hot topic because this is happening to so many men and women across the world. Pauline is kind enough to share stories and reasoning and provides excellent insight. That will surely keep us all thinking.
Want to know more about Pauline? Click below to get to her website.
Tune in below to watch this great conversation.
Let's Think About "Suicidal Idealization."
So many people from all around the world are suffering with Suicidal Idealization. And when Gina comes onto my show to share how she sees suicide and how she hopes to help people from crossing that line of no return. I even had a moment during our conversation that broke me a bit. But it also reminds us how real this affects so many lives.
Want to know more about her? Click below to get to her website.
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Let's Think About "Reincarnation."
Reincarnation, the afterlife, and death are taboo subjects to discuss openly with others. Brownell is an author who writes about the possibility of reincarnation and people who share their own stories about remembering their past life(s). This conversation was a pleasure, and I hope you tune in to think along.
Want to know more about Her? Click below to get to her website.
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Let's Think About "The Reality Of Racism."
The reality of racism is that we hope to educate people about racism, not to condone racism or act like it's a thing of the past. The truth of racism is the fact that it's present in our lives in more ways than we know. Marklyn shared his raw perspective on this topic with first-hand experience. How could you not listen and think about racism in your life differently? Discriminating someone by race, sex, culture, religion, etc., hurts not only one person at the moment but many people for generations. Please tune in, and let's think about this together.
Want to know more about Him? Click below to get to the website.
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Let's Think About "Past Life Exploration."
So many people are out living on earth, reliving their previous lives. Recognizing this is just another opportunity to learn, grow and evolve. John shares his thoughts on past life exploration, reincarnation, and religion. This episode gives us so much to think about. It will be hard to finish listening and not have you keep thinking!
Want to know more about Him? Click below to get to the website.
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Let's Think About "The Dark Side of Televangelism."
David shares his experience of seeing the dark side of televangelism. He tells us about the trials of speaking his truth while trying to embrace judgment from people he thought would respect his actions. I know many people can appreciate his efforts in revealing the ugly truth painted behind a beautiful lie. This conversation is sure to leave you feeling enlightened and inspired.
Tune in below to listen this great conversation.
Let's Think About "Avoidances & Finances."
Today, our focus of conversation will be on avoidances and finances. Let's take a moment to be honest with ourselves. There are many areas in our lives where we may avoid doing something, especially if it's connected to our finances. With Adam sharing his perspective on this topic, you will wonder what I am avoiding after listening. I hope you tune in and think along.
Want to know more about him? Click below to get to the website!
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Let's Think About "Peri-Menopause."
Many women have this unknown fear of getting older and facing Perimenopause and menopause. With this in mind, this episode encourages women and men trying to figure out ways to help their loved ones who may be facing this. Adrien shares so much from her experience that you will have more peace and joy after tuning in instead of dread and fear.
Want to know more about Her? Click below to get to her website.
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Let's Think About "The Journey Through Spirit."
Maria shares her thoughts on The Journey Through Spirit and reminds everyone to keep experiencing life. We also discussed her thoughts on accepting one gift and reincarnation while learning more about Maria. This episode aims to make you think and encourage you to embrace life with a different lens.
Want to know more about her? Click below to get to the website!
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Let's Think About "Your Money."
Steven shares his thoughts on your money and reminds everyone to think of other ways to manage your money. We also discussed his thoughts on budgeting and whole life insurance while learning more about Steven. This episode aims to make you think and encourage you to embrace life with a different lens.
Want to know more about Him? Click below to get to the website.
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Let's Think About "Neurodivergent vs. Society."
Stephon joins us to share his thoughts, experiences, and profound understanding of being neurodivergent in society. His experiences resonate with many of us as we converse, fostering a sense of understanding and community. This episode is a beacon of recognition for those with neurodivergence, and I hope it helps you feel seen. It's a conversation that will leave you pondering.
Want to know more about Him? Click below to get to the website.
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Let's Think About "Soft Speaking Skills."
Richard shares his love of language and how he has perfected the soft-spoken skills I know so many are learning to obtain. He makes excellent points about how someone can develop this skill and how he dived into the Spanish language. This conversation is sure to leave you feeling enlightened and inspired.
Want to know more about Him? Click below to get to the website.
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Let's Think About "Not Being Politically Correct."
Charles shares his thoughts on not being politically correct and how we must realize that we can speak our minds but remember that we have to choose the right words and tone to be effective. We discussed his thoughts on freedom of speech, the 2024 election, and being authentic to yourself. This episode aims to make you think and encourage everyone to embrace their authentic self.
Want to know more about him? Click below to get his X (Twitter).
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Let's Think About "Do We Actually Die?"
Lindsay shares her thoughts on whether we die and how death doesn't mean the end of one's life. We discussed her thoughts on death and reincarnation while learning more about Lindsay. This episode aims to make you think and encourage everyone to embrace the possibilities after death.
Want to know more about her? Click below to get to the website!
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Mitzi Let's Think
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