In this page you will be finding some great, interesting, and surly pondering topics. That I had the pleasure to have with other great individuals all across the world. Not only will you be able to find our great conversations. But you will also be able to find out more about each great guest I got the pleasure to have on my show. Scroll down to start thinking with us.
It's a topic that covers the stigma of "the right way" of dealing with life after death. And how Allison handled her husband's death in a way that not many would approve of. With time she learned to adjust her life to deal with the trauma and begin living again. She was so kind to help me even with my own personal struggles with death and the pressures that come along the ones who are not sure how to deal with it either. She is such a sweet lady for giving me her time to discuss this touchy topic. Thank you Alison your awesome for being on my show and sharing your perspective with the world.
Want to know more about Alison? Click below to go to her website.
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Paula and I discuss how trauma affects the body, choosing to slow down and sense your body, listening to your body’s voice, and daring to actually love your body and prioritize it in your life, as part of your trauma-healing lifestyle.
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Want to know more about Paula? Click below to get to her website.
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Bob and I discuss his personal experience on terrorism and how he delt with the trauma that came from it. Also how he battled with cancer. Now he tries to share his story to inspire others to never give up on themselves.
Want to know more about Bob? Click below to get redirected to his website.
Tune in below to listen to this great conversation.
I talked about trauma and how it effects the body. But this time around Kathleen and I are going to be talking about the aftermath of trauma. The part where we really show ourselves and the world what we are made of. Kathleen and I discuss the obstacles she faced and how she was able to over come the trauma she thought she would never overcome.
Want to know more about Kathleen? Click below to get redirected to her website.
Tune in below to listen to this great conversation.
Lise and I discuss coping with difficult parents. She shares her personal experience with difficult parents as well shares a psychological perspective. As she is a license Psychologist she gives her great perspective along with her personal experience. Sharing her personal story on how her own mother tried to kill her. We laughed, and even cried during this episode getting real vulnerable with one another. It was such a great time speaking with her.
Want to know more about Lise? Click below to get redirected to her website.
Tune in below to listen to this great conversation.
Do you notice your emotions going through you as energy? Have you ever really noticed you get sick after being extremely stressed or overwhelmed? Patricia and I discuss this more in detail sharing her perspective on trauma and health. Tune in to find out how our emotions create energy for us to stay in motion.
Want to know more about Patricia? Click below to go to Patricia's personal website.
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We downplay our trauma as if it's acceptable because it's our standard. However, trauma is trauma, and luckily for me, I had Riana on the show to share her story and the importance of recognizing your trauma by focusing on the unconscious trauma that we happened to repress.
Want to know more about Riana? Click below to go to her personal website.
Tune in below to listen to this great conversation in Audio.
Before surviving the impossible, we always encounter the dark place where regret, guilt, shame, and the fog of depression meet us first. However, there is a silver lining to our traumatic experiences. I have Amanda, a special guest on my show to share her story. And expressing her truth so others may find hope in their lives.
Want to know more about Amanda? Click below to go to her personal website.
Tune in below to listen to this great conversation
Let's Think About Somatic.
Nobody wants to keep their trauma, yet our body automatically does this for us. Heather not only opens our eyes to the ways our body does this, but she also gives excellent points to consider when trying to determine if this ache is from past trauma or actual physical health issues. There are so many great points to keep us all intrigued.
Want to know more about her? Click below to go to her personal website.
Tune in below to listen to this great conversation now.
Want to listen to our other great conversation?
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Let’s Think About "Eating Disorder."
Let's Think About "Intergenerational Trauma." Sheridan, a familiar voice on our show, returns to share his journey of unraveling generational trauma. His candid account of the tactics he used to break the cycle of trauma for his sons is both inspiring and relatable. His raw opinions on what worked and what didn't give us a wealth of points to consider for our lives. This topic truly keeps us pondering.
Want to know more about him? Click below to go to the website.
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Want to listen to our other great conversation?
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Let’s Think About " Monsters in Our Head. ."
Mitzi Let's Think
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